Wednesday 23 November 2016

Been Away... big plans!

So, I have been away for a while. There is a post I have been working on for, I don't  know, 8 months?!

I have also been working on a few other ventures!

One of those have been helping fundraise and promote a family business. I have been busy with all the social media and the blog for The Plaza Theatre in Nipigon, Ontario, Canada.  The theatre was built in the 1940's and closed in 2001. It is now time to give new life to the building! Here is a link to the GoFundMe page.

My second venture is more of a personal one. I am toying with the idea of starting my own business! This thought has been on my mind for months and I am in "business planning mode" at the moment. It is scary but so exciting! I will definitely link to that as soon as everything is final.

I have also been working on some different campaigns from Shopper Army, Influenster and Chick Advisor. No new BzzAgent right now -> 😭😭😭 <- SUPER sad face. I will be sure to update if I get anything new from them.

I have also paired with another company and hope to share a bit about them soon as well.

Check back for updates!

Next blog coming really soon!