Tuesday, 24 November 2015

I am LOVING this week!

So, yesterday I received my first Influenster Campaign! Huggies LilMovers... My size 4 "lil mover" is loving them!
*mommy loves them more because lil mover can't take them off* #DoubleGripStrips Thanks Influenster! #IChooseHuggies (join now!)

Today, I received my long-awaited Secret Outlast Campaign! I had actually checked this morning to see if it had been sent out yet. It said no, but VOILĂ€! Thanks BzzAgent!!

Too bad I already put on deodorant this morning LOL. Will definitely start that one tomorrow!!

Stay tuned

Influenster referral link:https://influenster.com/r/1125587

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Free day!!!!

It's free day!

First is from Johnson & Johnson's Healthy Essentials

Second is P&G's beauty samples I ordered about 2 weeks ago!

Makes me feel just that little bit better about being 10 days overdue with baby #4!
Who doesn't love free stuff?

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Woo-hoo, it's here!

TWO new campaigns!!


Can I even attempt to hide my excitement? No!

Campaign 1: Herbal Essence Naked: Shine (shampoo, conditioner amd dry shampoo)


As if the scent of this product wasn't already heaven, the way my hair feels is so awesome! The white tea & mint smells so clean and crisp, even when my hair is drying (which takes a long time with my length, lol). The know that the first time you use a prouct, it is always great enough to 'reel you in', but I have a feeling that I will be making a definite change to my hair-care routine!

Campaign 2: Cover Girl Clump Crusher

(This one is soooooo getting its own post!)

Both campaigns start on the 16th and 18th respectively, but I could not wait to start posting about them!

I am not going to wait to use them either! Stay tuned!!

Wednesday, 26 August 2015


... Almost completed another campaign!
Due to internet issues yesterday, I couldn't complete my final blog post for Vidal Sassoon London Luxe hair colour, so I will continue with my final blog post for the ever-so-lovely Secret Clear Gel Scent Expressions: Cocoa Butter Kiss (yuuuummmm)

After using this amazing deodorant for the last few weeks - through what feels like the hottest summer EVER - I am definitely impressed.

*if you have ever been pregnant in the summer - this stuff works like a charm!*

The smell: simply put, it is amazing! It is "summery", not too strong, lasts for a long time, and is just plain yummy!

Application: does what it says it does! Goes on easy and clear! Dries within seconds.

Protection: again, does what it says it does. Although it claims to have 48 hour protection, I would never let it go that far - but, one application in the morning and you're good to go for the whole day!

I can't wait to get another campaign from BzzAgent!

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Just a little something I found..


I have been using cash-back apps for shopping. This is SNAP.
I will update more later. I have quite a few now.

Monday, 27 July 2015

BzzAgent at it again!!!

#ClearlyBetter #GotItFreeFromSecret This stuff smells delicious, goes on CLEAR and lasts! Thanks, #B... - http://pinterest.com/pin/569142471637953129/?s=3&m=blogger

Check out my new campaign! I swear, I will never have to buy deodorant again if BzzAgent keeps up the awesome work!
I was so happy to recieve this one because as soon as I tried it, I LOVED the smell.

I even got to share it with my daughter!
Now we match! Haha

It does what it claims; goes on clear, lasts (almost 48 hours), smells fantastic, dries quickly, and controls wetness - another thing I LOVE being hot/sweaty/pregnant this summer!

I can't wait to see what they come up with next.

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

A new Bzz Campaign! Yay!

So, about a week ago, I received my new Bzz Campaign in the mail. Carnaby Copper Red permanent hair dye from Vidal Sassoon. I am pretty excited! I haven't dyed my hair in a long time. I chose a colour that is pretty close to my own. (Reddish Strawberry Blonde) I am also scared! Last year, I had 45" of hair, and cut off 15" (yep, here's some math for you!) I was hoping to donate the rest - so, before I actually take the plunge and strap on those latex gloves, I am going to have to come up with the nerve to chop another foot off of my hair! I am also 27 weeks pregnant with baby #4 right now. I have spent a lot of time in the last week researching whether it is safe to use hair dye while pregnant. My main source has been MotherRisk - which states it is actually ok to dye your hair up to 4 times during pregnancy - as long as you are past your first trimester. I am only really concerned about this once though ;) Here is a link for anyone who is interested: http://www.motherisk.org/prof/updatesDetail.jsp?content_id=890 Anyway, I will post what happens - when it happens!

Thursday, 2 April 2015

The beginning...

The Beginning

This will be the first post of many. I won't go into too much detail right now, as I am just trying to figure all of this out. I haven't done anything like this since I was in high school - but the days of LiveJournal are long gone. I hope to be able to use this blog mostly for my BzzAgent campaigns, but I would also like to share more experiences than that! Till next time!